Minimum Wage
In 2019 there will be two increases to the Minimum Wage, the first coming into force on 1st April 2019 and the second on 1 October 2019 – as set out below.
From the 1st April 2019, the minimum wage will increase to £7.88 per hour. An employee who is above compulsory school age is entitled to receive the minimum wage irrespective of their occupation, employment sector, gender or racial group. From the 1 October 2019, the minimum wage will increase to £8.02 per hour.
What employers need to be aware of
An employee has a right to inspect and to copy such records that relate to their own employment. This right may be exercised by the employee alone or accompanied by another e.g. a colleague, friend or other person. If the employer does not allow access to records within 14 days of receiving a written request (or a later time mutually agreed between the employer and employee), then within the next 13 weeks the employee may lodge a complaint with the Tribunal. If the Tribunal upholds the complaint then it may instruct the employer to pay the employee a sum not exceeding 80 times the current hourly minimum wage. If an employee has been paid less than the minimum wage then, in addition, they will be entitled to be paid the difference between the wage received and the minimum wage for the period that the claim referred to.