Probate Calculator

Welcome to the BCR Law probate calculator. Please use this as a guide, for a full evaluation and support get in touch with our Wills & Probate team who will be happy to help.

Probate stamp duty ready reckoner

Stamp duty payable: No fee

Please use our stamp duty calculator to formulate the fee payable to the Jersey Court on your application for Probate. It is important to note however that our calculator is intended only as a guide and should be interpreted as such. Exemptions may apply in certain individual cases and so to ensure that you have the most accurate calculation, please contact our Wills and Probate team who can assist you in tailoring your calculation to suit you.

Our stamp duty calculator has been created in line with Part 3 Article 9(1) of the Stamp Duties And Fees (Jersey) Law 1998

Please note that regardless of the value of the estate, even below the value of £10,000, a mandatory £80 administration fee is payable.

  • Estates sworn not to exceed £10,000

    No stamp duty payable

  • Estates sworn not to exceed £100,000

    £50 per £10,000 or part of £10,000

  • Estates sworn to exceed £100,000 but not to exceed £13,360,000

    £500 in respect of the first £100,000 plus £75 for each additional £10,000 or part of £10,000

  • Estates sworn to exceed £13,360,000

    Stamp duty capped at £100,000

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If you need further support with your probate query, our team are here to help. Please complete the form below and we’ll get back in touch with you as soon as possible.

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