Jersey Legislative Changes
Disability Discrimination
The transitional period to adjust premises for disability discrimination ended on 1 September 2020.
New Parental Laws
On 28 June 2020 new laws surrounding Parental Leave came into force. Should you require further information on this, please get in touch.
Covid-19 (Social Security – Reduction of Contribution Rates) (Jersey) Regulations 2020
These regulations came into force on 1 October 2020 and temporarily modify social security contributions that employees need to make. They remain in place until 30 June 2021. This represents part of the Government of Jersey’s £150m fiscal stimulus package to help the Jersey economy as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. During that time Class 1 Contributions will drop from 6% to 4%.
Action Point: A temporary change will have to be made to payroll systems to ensure that only 4% rather than 6% is deducted from an employee’s salary. The employer’s contributions remain the same.