Jersey has a unique and complex legal heritage when it comes to immovable property law. The Island’s law is a mix of local legislation and judicial decisions and customary law derived principally from Norman and French roots. This can lead to disputes involving property seeming impossibly complicated. That is why you need true experts on your side to untangle the knots if things go wrong.
Our team of dedicated professionals has the experience and expertise necessary to guide our clients through the most difficult of problems. We match a thorough understanding of the law with a pragmatic, commercial, approach. Our excellent dispute resolution team is also to call on the expertise of our colleagues in the property team where necessary. This ensures that our clients are provided with holistic, accurate, advice as to their legal position and clear strategic advice as to how they might best achieve their goals.
We act for individuals, businesses and organisations in all manner of property disputes, including: lease and guarantee disputes; boundary issues; co-ownership and multi-occupancy matters; title issues; dilapidations claims; encroachment claims; actions concerning servitudes; nuisance/voisinage claims; and claims concerning possession quadragenaire (adverse possession). Whatever the issue, our expert lawyers are here for you.
Planning law is complex and ever-changing. It involves the interplay of statute, judicial decisions, and the Island Plan. There are often competing priorities as well as issues with neighbours, the Parish, Government Departments, or other interested organisations. We have extensive experience of acting for individuals and organisations seeking planning permission and for those seeking to oppose planning permission, whether before a Planning Committee, an Inspector, or the courts.
Our team has the skills and knowledge to assist any party in relation to any property or planning dispute, no matter the size and complexity. We are well-versed in all forms of alternative dispute resolution and have the advocacy expertise to ensure our clients receive the best possible representation should matters proceed to a hearing.