The first lockdown was a novel and unique experience. Should there be another lockdown, now is the time to put in place the necessary countermeasures to ensure that the same issues that were encountered during the first lockdown do not happen again. With this in mind, we would suggest the following recommendations to employers:
- Remain Informed
Employers should ensure that they are familiar with the latest guidelines and advice issued by the government, and ensure that the business is adhering to those.
Assess what went right or wrong for your business in the first lockdown and what can be done to improve things should the need arise in the future.
- Consistency of Communication
Continuing to communicate effectively with a remote workforce is key so if another lockdown does happen ensure that there are regular company briefings going out to employees as this will help with employee engagement and wellbeing and also hopefully mitigate employee claims from any measures implemented to respond to a second lockdown.
- Alternatives to redundancy
Many employers have reacted to the financial cost of the pandemic by making redundancies where jobs are not sustainable in the long term. It is therefore imperative to know what you would do in the event of another lockdown. It is worth considering whether redundancies could be avoided by implementing alternative measures such as shorter working hours, salary reductions (temporary or permanent) or requiring staff to take unpaid holiday.
- Preparing for staff sickness
Employers need to consider how the business can continue to operate if employees become unwell with suspected COVID-19 and or have been in close contact with someone and have to self-isolate. It is advisable to review sickness policies with this in mind.
- Sufficient Equipment
Employers will need to consider whether they need to purchase additional equipment to enable more staff to work from home more effectively on a more permanent basis.
- Skilled workforce
Should there be a second lockdown, employers should consider whether any additional training courses should be undertaken which will aid employees’ personal development for when they are able to return to work.