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Proposition to Change Notice Periods for Periodic Tenancy

On 7th January 2022, Senator Mezéc lodged a proposition (the “Proposition”) with the States Greffe requesting that the Minister for Housing and Communities (the “Minister”) issue an order pursuant to...

February 07, 2022 Read more

Piste Off! Minimising your Risk of Injury while Skiing

In this article, we set out some practical tips to help those heading to the mountains to minimise the risk of injury and pointers as to what to do should...

December 14, 2021 Read more

Buyer Beware

It’s an exciting moment when you are handed the keys to your new home. However, that excitement can quickly fade if you later discover that there was a defect with...

October 06, 2021 Read more

Tenancy Management Update – Children Welcome!

The States Assembly has recently voted in favour of an amendments to the provisions of the Discrimination (Jersey) Law 2013. The effect of those amendments is to ensure that prospective tenants are not discriminated against by landlords on the basis that they have children under the age of 18. In this article George Pearce identifies the key changes arising from those amendments which those who rent or manage residential properties need to be aware of.

August 04, 2021 Read more

Clinical or Medical Negligence Explained

What is clinical or medical negligence? A claim in clinical or medical negligence is a civil claim for compensation for an injury suffered as a consequence of the actions (or...

July 29, 2021 Read more

Costs remain fixed in the Petty Debts Court

Introduction – The Petty Debts Court Among other matters, the Petty Debts Court (the “PDC”) has jurisdiction to hear all civil claims with a value lower than £30,000.00. In April...

July 13, 2021 Read more

BCR Explores Law – Unfair Dismissal

Unfair dismissal is a complex area of employment law, but one that every employer should understand. A failure to understand this area of law can result in employers being taken...

July 08, 2021 Read more

Residential Tenancy Agreements and Eviction Proceedings

In this blog we explore the key aspects of a residential tenancy agreement (“RTA”), the statutory protections they provide, how they can come to an end, how they can be breached and what can be done to remedy those breaches.

April 29, 2021 Read more
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